Guiding Principles

Pursue Excellence
We relentlessly pursue the highest standards and continually benchmark ourselves against the best professionals and institutions globally so that we could deliver the highest quality services and interventions to people on the Autism Spectrum.


Focus on Inputs and Results
We focus on the key inputs required to ensure that the best results are delivered in a timely fashion. We work based on scientific assessments and evidence-based interventions to achieve measurable targets. If there are setbacks, we do not give up or rest until we achieve our set goals.


Holistic Approach
We focus on the holistic development of those on the Autism Spectrum across their life-spans and will follow any proven intervention without being constrained by any single school of thought, to attain our eventual target of mainstreaming and independent living as early as possible.
Build Trust
We are passionately committed to the development of the best practices and facilities required for people on the Autism Spectrum to succeed. We work continuously to earn and keep the trust of all our stakeholders.
We operate in an open environment that welcomes new ideas and changes and adapt to the needs of the times.
Work with Integrity
We conduct ourselves with the utmost integrity and professional ethics in all our activities.
Nurture the Team
We recognise and recruit exceptional talent and continuously raise the bar on performance and actively provide opportunities for growth. We give serious consideration to mentoring. We work as a team and there is no task that we will say no to.


Practise Frugality
We do not spend money on things that do not contribute to the development of people in the Autism Spectrum.


We acknowledge that we are not perfect. We proactively come forward with concerns and suggestions, even if doing so is awkward or embarrassing. We are sincerely open-minded, genuinely listen, and are willing to re-examine our actions and decisions with humility. We shall keep an open mind and act upon the findings and recommendations of well-wishers from within and outside the organisation.