The Autism School

Orientation for Families


Accepting an individual with autism is a challenge for many families. Acceptance is crucial and has to begin at home. Apart from the family of the individual on the spectrum, each member of the society has a crucial role to play to provide a good support system for individuals on the spectrum. At CADRRE, we strive to educate, familiarize and sensitize the parents, siblings, grandparents, and caretakers on the many facets of autism. This ensures the family, the therapists and the special educators are on the same page and work together to bring out the best in each child.

Diagnosis & Assessments


CADRRE provides a free assessment to all. Our assessment team comprises speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists and psychologists, each of them selected after a rigorous selection process. Assessment is conducted with standardized tools. The child along with both the parents have to be present for the assessment. All previous medical records along with any documents of therapy the child has been attending should be brought for the assessment. Our team of experts will assess the child and suggest a course of action that could be followed.

Interdisciplinary Intervention Services


Our intervention services include an interdisciplinary approach comprising speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, psychology, special education and Ayurveda for children of the age group 2 – 15. We also provide other complementary therapies such as art, music, and yoga. Each child’s intervention is planned as per the outcome of the assessment and with the consent of parents. Monthly and termly goals are set for each child based on the Individualized intervention plan drawn out.

Review of Progress


A review is conducted at the end of each term to access the child’s progress – motor, cognitive-perceptual, speech, language, communication, activities of daily living (ADL), sensory and play development. physiological, emotional, behavioral social and intellectual.

Group Therapy


At CADRRE, we give equal emphasis to group therapy as we do to our need-based one-on-one sessions. Group therapy encourages socializing with peers, teamwork and building meaningful relationships. This will help them cope better with a social world, instill confidence in them and boost their self- esteem.

Structured Learning Program


CADRRE provides a unique blend of mainstream academics and life – skills along with therapy. An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is drawn out to cater to the comprehension skills of each class – preschooler, junior, pre-teen, and teen. We hope to do our best in helping our younger students in transitioning and integrating smoothly into mainstream schools and continue supporting them to live meaningful and independent lives. Our older students and those among the younger children who continue with us will focus on essential academics, life skills and, vocational skills.

Family Support Program


CADRRE extends support to its parent community. We conduct regular meetings with our parents every week to ensure they are involved in the process too. Our team strives to keep our parents motivated and have realistic goals for their children. Home visits are also done on a need basis as part of our endeavors to support families with individuals on the spectrum. Parents are an integral part of our program and we ensure they work hand in hand with our team.